4 research outputs found

    Silent Vulnerable Dependency Alert Prediction with Vulnerability Key Aspect Explanation

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    Due to convenience, open-source software is widely used. For beneficial reasons, open-source maintainers often fix the vulnerabilities silently, exposing their users unaware of the updates to threats. Previous works all focus on black-box binary detection of the silent dependency alerts that suffer from high false-positive rates. Open-source software users need to analyze and explain AI prediction themselves. Explainable AI becomes remarkable as a complementary of black-box AI models, providing details in various forms to explain AI decisions. Noticing there is still no technique that can discover silent dependency alert on time, in this work, we propose a framework using an encoder-decoder model with a binary detector to provide explainable silent dependency alert prediction. Our model generates 4 types of vulnerability key aspects including vulnerability type, root cause, attack vector, and impact to enhance the trustworthiness and users' acceptance to alert prediction. By experiments with several models and inputs, we confirm CodeBERT with both commit messages and code changes achieves the best results. Our user study shows that explainable alert predictions can help users find silent dependency alert more easily than black-box predictions. To the best of our knowledge, this is the first research work on the application of Explainable AI in silent dependency alert prediction, which opens the door of the related domains

    Pop Quiz! Do Pre-trained Code Models Possess Knowledge of Correct API Names?

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    Recent breakthroughs in pre-trained code models, such as CodeBERT and Codex, have shown their superior performance in various downstream tasks. The correctness and unambiguity of API usage among these code models are crucial for achieving desirable program functionalities, requiring them to learn various API fully qualified names structurally and semantically. Recent studies reveal that even state-of-the-art pre-trained code models struggle with suggesting the correct APIs during code generation. However, the reasons for such poor API usage performance are barely investigated. To address this challenge, we propose using knowledge probing as a means of interpreting code models, which uses cloze-style tests to measure the knowledge stored in models. Our comprehensive study examines a code model's capability of understanding API fully qualified names from two different perspectives: API call and API import. Specifically, we reveal that current code models struggle with understanding API names, with pre-training strategies significantly affecting the quality of API name learning. We demonstrate that natural language context can assist code models in locating Python API names and generalize Python API name knowledge to unseen data. Our findings provide insights into the limitations and capabilities of current pre-trained code models, and suggest that incorporating API structure into the pre-training process can improve automated API usage and code representations. This work provides significance for advancing code intelligence practices and direction for future studies. All experiment results, data and source code used in this work are available at \url{https://doi.org/10.5281/zenodo.7902072}